Clark County NV Bi-Annual Community Survey
As part of Clark County Nevada’s Monitoring Program, UER and its subcontractors administer a bi-annual survey to measure public sentiment as it relates to the importance and provision of selected public services. The 161-question telephone survey to 600 Southern Nevada households touches on a number of topics including 1) public service importance; 2) public service performance; 3) quality-of-life considerations; 4) general economic considerations; 5) property value impact considerations; 6) environmental considerations; and 7) local government interaction. In addition to these general areas of inquiry, information on the demographic and socio-economic profile of respondents is also routinely gathered. Further, the principal purpose of the Clark County Monitoring Program, including this survey series, is to establish an analysis baseline from which the impacts of transporting high-level nuclear waste through the Las Vegas Valley, and ultimately storing the radioactive material at the proposed Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository, can be monitored, measured and assessed. Descriptive statistical analysis of the collected data enables year-by-year comparison and observation of trends in public opinion, perception, and importance of relevant indicators.