Silver Shield (NV) Critical Infrastructure Protection Program
In June 2008, UER was contracted by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) and has managed and conducted operations in support of the Silver Shield program in coordination with the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Nevada Commission on Homeland Security. Silver Shield is the Critical Infrastructure Protection Program which provides the unifying structure for the integration of existing and future critical infrastructure protection efforts within the state of Nevada.
UER, under the aegis of Silver Shield, developed and maintained the Nevada Critical Infrastructure Protection Plan (NCIPP). This would entailed the development of a Project Execution Plan (PEP) based on detailed Gap Analysis and review of current NCIPP capabilities and requirements. The plan identified critical data needs, available data, existing software & hardware resources, and optimum methods of data dissemination based on personal interviews with all key NCIPP stakeholders state-wide.
Silver Shield conducted site visits to identify, capture, assess, and catalogue high priority Southern Nevada facilities as defined by DHS, and locations of interest as defined by the State Data Call. This consisted of making initial contact with the owners/operators or designees of those facilities, systems, or assets which are representative of the area’s critical infrastructure, mass population centers, or sites that have symbolic importance. Facilities identified and assessed by Silver Shield teams were entered into the Automated Critical Asset Management System (ACAMS) and then populated into the Critical Infrastructure Protection System (CIPS) as developed for first responding agencies. High priority facilities are subject to a Phase II Vulnerability Assessment which include the Initial Asset Visit (IAV) in ACAMS with a completed MSHARRPP+V risk analysis and an Orator+ multi-media presentation. The Silver Shield program completed more than 2,000 assessments.
Further, the CIP database was populated with the Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) database (Mapping) as well as with blue prints and emergency response plans from various stakeholders. Basic training and documentation was provided to end users after the development of the first version of the interactive map viewer and their requirements assimilated. Finally, UER was responsible for data validation to identify any gaps in the CI/KA data and analyzed and continuously updated vulnerability assessment data. Also, up to ten sessions on Critical Infrastructure Protection planning and best practices for Tier 1 Critical Infrastructure categories was developed and conducted as part of Hazmat Explo.