Glendale AZ Neighborhood Indicators Program
This three-phase indicators program has been designed by Urban Environmental Research for the City of Glendale, Arizona to assist in the development of a neighborhood assessment tool that forms part of their new 5-year Neighborhood Revitalization Plan. As part of this plan, the city required a physical assessment tool for measuring changes in the city’s neighborhoods, analyzing planning objectives by city staff and/or its partners, and educating city staff, citizens, and elected/appointed officials about planning goals and results. A neighborhood indicators program is in development to monitor the vitality of the city. A monitoring program system is developed to track a variety of social, economic, fiscal, environmental, and public safety indicators to provide a method of measurement to capture and visualize changes to the social, environmental, and economic well-being of its residents. The program will utilize geographic information system (GIS) capabilities in coordination with descriptive statistical analyses to test for validity.